Yummy Eats in Padang Merdeka

Weeeeeeeeeeee, first post in 2017!!!! Hahaha I'm glad that you're glad to see me making appearance in my long abandoned blog once again. :p
How's life? Mine's occupied with new schedule of tutorials and starts preparing for the new academic year at school. I'm back from holiday, back to reality.

What I love the most every time I return to Indonesia was their exotic, spicy foods...so delish!!! I'm not a fan of spicy foods but staying here for how many years, my taste buds get accustomed into it. It grows my tolerance bite by bite.

Talking about food, we ended up dining in one of the restaurant in the heart of Jakarta's Old Town, Padang Merdeka for late lunch. As we made our way into the restaurant, there was this friendly wait staff standing by at the counter, ready to allocate table for us in its warm and cozy dining area. The name of the restaurant speaks for itself. It showcase a unique dining atmosphere celebrating the Indonesian spirit.

Mural Paintings of Indonesian Heroes

Patterned Map of Indonesia on its ceiling

Toraja Batik on its walls

Food is served in waves of plates, carried by handy waiters to your table. Lovely presentation and plating <3

Everything all tasted lovely with a mild kick of spiciness. Friendly staffs is also a plus. Spiciness craving satisfied ^_^ I'll be back soon I promise <3 ;)


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