Up on Penang Hill

We woke up super early in the morning, 6 a.m. to be precise to enjoy a morning dip in the pool and to get ourselves ready before heading to Penang Hill.

Waking up to a view like this.....priceless!

So sunny that my eyes nearly blinded by the sunlight @.@

Earlier that day, we departed at around seven thirty in the morning to catch the fonicular railway to the top of Penang Hill as there'll be an expected massive tourists on the site. Tips: Make sure you go early during public holiday and weekend to avoid long queues.
Yay! Got the fast lane ticket =)

A group shot before we hop on the train.

Train ride up the steep slope was fun. Everyone were freaking out throughout the entire ride up the hill, so steep and scary since we were seated on the front row of the train. But we did survive somehow =p The journey took around 5 to 10 minutes which is way shorter than the time we spent waiting for the train.

Penang Hill is also known as Bukit Bendera in Malay which is located in Air Itam. It was hilly and forested area making it the perfect place to relax.

Look at the view, nice right?

At the viewing platform


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