My First 8.0 Mile Run

Still on bed while writing this post. Thousand of apologies to you my dear followers, for not being actively blogging lately. I can hear my blog screaming out already since my last blog post in the beginning of September.

Recently, Nutrilite - Amway had opened to public their very first Nutrilite run for a charity cause which marks my first run in 2014. It was open for everyone, locals or foreigners, under the following category: 5K Close (Indonesian Citizen) and 8.0 Miles Open (All Citizen). Together with my running buddies, we registered for the 8 miles run, not knowingly what it would bring for us =D

I got this sinking feeling in my heart the day before the scheduled 8.0 miles run on Sunday at The Breeze, BSD City. I was nervous knowing that the inevitable run will be really tough and was really hoping that all my workout preparations every week around our school's field will help me to win through it.

I made my way out with my running buddy, Tyas, and started with a light jog having the same pace. We decided to incorporate 1min run/ 1min walk intervals so not to exhaust our body that much. I was maintaining about 14'08"/mil pace and made it through 4 mile under an hour, 55'20" to be exact! I know that was not really a good pace to be considered but I felt so amazing with my progress as a beginner to this long distance running. I keep saying to myself, " Hey, it's half of 8 miles now, keep going and give it all you've got!". The Nutrilite committee also took a great part in motivating me along the way aside from providing 4 drinking stations once I feel so thirsty. Reminding myself of my objectives in keeping fit really helps too.

The distance between me and Tyas increased so we just decided to do our own things and just see each other in the finish line. As I was approaching the end of 7 miles, my body started to feel sore and my legs felt kind of heavy and numb. I had slowed down my pace to get my body back in check until I reach the finish line in less than two hours, 01:50:55. Not bad, hahaha =D

Yehey! And we made it! So proud of us! =D Wow! what an awesome feeling after we reach the finish line! Not only do you get a good sweat, have a nice healthy glow but also a great sense of accomplishment! Woot! Woot!

Big thanks to Nutrilite Run 2014 8 Mile Category which does not only gives us the confidence but also gives us more reason to run with a good cause and get an optimal health as it implies from its theme, " Raise your hand Fight global childhood malnutrition problems". Each runner made a handprint to symbolize their pledge, our pledge, my pledge to end malnutrition.
Nutrilite Charity Wall

Till the next, may we all strive fit, look beautiful inside and out Xx


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