Good morning peeps! Am back with a fresh outlook and with some new ideas after these two-weeks long holiday. I'm so very happy today when I woke up and saw the's the end of July now! It means I'm gonna be celebrating another year of Yahuah's (God) unending love and mercy tomorrow...01 in Indonesia. Yahoooooo!!!! It was been five years full of blessings since I came here in Indonesia and I thought I should share to you a little about my beautiful life here.....
My first picture inside the PAL plane, hehehe still have that groggy look :D

01 August 2009, when I first landed to Soekarno Hatta International Airport, Jakarta Indonesia.......

I thought life abroad was a start-from-the-scratch kinda thing,....well I guess my instincts were never quite that good ever since....Lol! I was on my way out to the immigration, when the officer had questioned my identity and my purpose of visiting their country. I was invited by a Filipino friend, Ms. Arsenia Lotivo (Ms. Zenn in short), who happened to be staying on the same kost with my sister. I personally don't know her well that time. She invited me for the purpose of celebrating the Idul Fitri holiday with them. But actually, in my mind, I was hoping to land a better job for a greener pasture in Indonesia. After all the verification and inspection of my passport and documents, the officer allowed for my entry and escorted me out from his office. Huh! I almost run out of breath!

I waited for my sister to fetch me up on one corner outside of the airport. Honestly, I don't have extra money on my pocket that time. I just newly resigned from my teaching position in the Philippines as permanent teacher in one of the public school in Marikina City. You see, from my very first day here in Indonesia, the first meal I had was courtesy of one of the friend of my sister. We had our late dinner in AnW fastfood restaurant in the airport.
My sister Marilou in red, Ms. Cora on the center and Ms. Zenn on the right side :)

Coincidence? I say Yahuah's (God) plan....

And from that day on, blessings poured out from all directions, blanket and pillows from the east, rice cooker from the west, temporary budget from the north, even an INDOSAT simcard plus Rp 25,000 load (my first mobile phone number up to now courtesy of Ms. Zenn) from down south.

Everyday, I was meeting the right people in rapid succession who would eventually bless me, comfort me, and soon become my real friends.....

Correct alignment of the stars? (I don't believe on horoscopes though, hehehe) Human wit and wisdom? I say Yahuah's (God) unending providence and mercy.

While reminiscing the past, it reminds me of one of the Words of our Father Elohim....

"Be strong and courageous, do not fear nor be afraid of them. For it is Yahuah your Elohim who is going with you. I will not leave you nor forsake you." - Deuteronomy 31:6, ISR98

From then on, it become my life's favorite verse.....


  1. Dear readers,

    Thank you for dropping by and reading my blog. I'm so blessed and overwhelmed to see my blogs visited by different readers from different countries.
    Hope I'll see you again soon! =)



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