Rafting on the Cisadane Riverside

Before the holiday ends, me and my colleagues decided to do some water rafting adventures somewhere in Ratu Sukabumi and stayed at Sta. Monica Resort for two days. It was a drizzling afternoon when we arrived to the place so all of our scheduled outdoor games were cancelled. Some of our friends waited for the rain to stop while taking a nap after our almost 4 - hour drive from Jakarta. Others went through some trekky adventure going to the waterfalls nearby. I wanted to join but it's quiet slippery on the way so for us who did not opt to roll down the hill, we go around the vicinity,and took lots of photos.

On our way, we've found this very cute dog which was so tamed and friendly. We tried to call the dog using one of our friend's name "Billy" trying to bully our friend.

Surprisingly, the dog came wiggling its tail towards us.

Early in the morning, we went out and geared up for the much awaited water rafting! The water rafting tours picked us up at around 6am and travelled almost an hour ride from the resort to the Cisadane river where we will start our adventure. It's gonna be my first time to do this kind of adventure. And I'm a bit hesitant coz I dont know how to swim but I'd tried to overcome my fears. All of us were briefed about the activity. The briefing was deadly serious. What to expect, what to do, what not to do...every single word said was listened carefully by everyone.

Only five persons can occupy one boat including the trainer or what they call as a life guard. The feeling was unexplainable. It was a deep excitement, happiness, adrenaline rush, and fear at the same time. I was assigned to sit in front so the more my heart beat faster.

But as we go along, my fear subsided and tried to enjoy the scenery and the exhilarating experience it offered.

Nothing can beat the awesome feeling while we face the raging river, anticipating for more flips and bumping on its big rocks. The entire ride was totally awesome, one of the rides that I won't ever forget in my entire life.

Our team...who laughed together...who got scared together, who fell together...who saved each other during the flipped...who made it to the end of this wonderful ride!


  1. Dear readers,

    Thank you for dropping by and reading my blog. I'm so blessed and overwhelmed to see my blogs visited by different readers from different countries.
    Hope I'll see you again soon! =)



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