A Day Trip to Monumen Nasional

It was a Black Saturday morning when we decided to visit the Indonesian National Monument or commonly known as MONAS. It is a bit weird and so funny to think that most of the people around the world are busy at that time for their visita Iglesia but we found ourselves queeing for this historical place in Indonesia. Hmmmmm.....another style of celebrating the Easter! As far as my opinion is concerned, celebrating the Easter is not just by merely visiting churches but by living it everyday in our life. Well, that is my opinion....Peace!
And so we took the Transjakarta Busway with Blok M to Kota Tua route, which only costs us Rp.3,500 (less than 1 USD). Very cheap! What a drizzling day when we arrived to the place but it does not stop us to pursue our trip up to its top yard.

Monumen Nasional: Jakarta City

Most of the people near this place, usually utilize Monas area as a place for sport activities and other recreations. Monas is really a big place ranging to almost 80 hectares if I'm not mistaken. It is good that now, it was equipped with the free ride tram which leads us to the entrance gate to the tunnel going to the museum.

the Monas tram
This Monumen Nasional was constructed during the time of President Sukarno after their Independence from the Dutch regime. It was divided into three parts: the basement, the Independence room and the top yard.  Right after paying for the entrance ticket worth Rp.2,500, we go directly to the museum. Along the way, we're being fascinated with the reliefs and statues made up of cement encircling the monument.

reliefs of Indonesian History depicting the Gajah Mada and Madjapahit History
These are the high reliefs of Indonesian History depicting the Gajah Mada and Madjapahit History during the ancient times.
We continued our historical trip to its National History Museum located at the basement. The Museum consists of almost 50 dioramas that shows the life and phenomenon that Indonesian people has gone through since Indonesian ancient time. The dioramas has poor lightings so I tried to managed using some flash to capture the view. And aside from the window displays in the basement, you will also be fascinated with how much they spent to construct the place knowing that all of its floors, whole walls and the pillars are all top layered with marbles!

Next part was the Hall of Independence, which houses the original script of their Independence Proclamation from the Dutch, the sacred flag and the gold map of Indonesia.
Due to the increasing number of visitors coming up to the place, we decided to head directly to the top yard using the lift. The ticket to top platform is Rp.7,500 for adult. The lift engine is located directly to where the flame shaped was on topped of the monument. They said that this flame was covered by bronze before but not until the 50th anniversay of Indonesian Independence which they coated it with gold.  This flame symbolyzes the never extinguished spirit of the Indonesian people.

"torch flame", means never extinguished spirit of Indonesian people
After a long queue, finally, were on the top. The top is provided with binoculars which you can used to enjoy the view of Jakarta City and the surroundings of Monas.

top view of Jakarta City

As the wind blows and caressed my face....I've got a feeling and a desire to study Indonesian cullture deeper :)


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