
Showing posts from June, 2010

Candi Prambanan and Ratu Boko Temple: A Hidden Beauty

On the second day trip from Yogyakarta, we visited the Prambanan Archaeological Park to view the Hindu inspired Roro Jonggrang complex. Candi Prambanan is the grandest temple in Java apart from Borobudur. Located on the Prambanan plain, this sprawling temple complex sits majestically in an open area about twenty kilometers south of Mount Merapi, which dominates the horizon.  The majestically Prambanan Temple  Sadly, due to recent earthquake damage you are no longer allowed to enter the main ruins, which are cordoned off with steel barriers. Therefore a walk around the perimeter with a flock of sheep was the next best option. Relics of the Ramayana Epics in the vicinity    To finish our Javanese adventure, we made our last stop on the temples at Boko which is 3 km from the south of the temple complex of Prambanan.  Entrance to the Ratu Boko Temple This temple is not well known compared to the two temples I've mentioned above. Only a thin crowd of tourists go to this pla

Jogyakarta, Indonesia: House of Candis

Half way through June 2010 I had no thought of going home to Philippines  - or anywhere else - in July. I was too busy struggling with an absolutely impossible workload to be thinking of taking a holiday. However que sera sera as the song says - and which at that time, my husband, Dexter, unexpectedly visited me on my workplace. I was surprised of his visit anyway. It ocurred to me that, I should be able to look forward to a substantial break  before I returned to work and welcome a new School Year .Then I happened to see a flight advertised for Jogjakarta,  an Air Asia's holiday promo, that would have fit perfectly. At that time one of my colleagues, Mr Krisna, introduced me to his friend, Mas Oko, a native in Java Indonesia who recently opened his place as a transient for tourists. What a great prospect!I booked for our flight together with my other friends. So to Yogyakarta, house of Candi! Being one of the oldest cities in Indonesia, Yogyakarta has many heritage buildings and